Who I am: My name is Greg Myers. I grew up on the family farm and ranch in Southwest Kansas where I enjoyed driving tractors, combines, various other equipment and helping raise cattle. After high school, I attended Kansas State University and became a veterinarian. My first job led me to Texas where I still reside today with my wife and two sons.  

The reason I wear a silicone ring: I was boating with my family 9 years ago at a lake in Oklahoma. I was trying to get back in the boat from the side and slipped. My ring got caught on the boat as I fell back in the water with all my weight. Needless to say, it pinched my wedding ring and tore all the skin loose from the base of my finger. All I could see was bone and tendon where my ring used to be. My wedding ring had to be cut off my finger before surgery could begin. I am glad to say I still have my finger and did not lose function. I was very lucky. I didn’t wear a ring until 6 years later when I discovered silicone rings.

Why tractor treads: I started a toy tractor collection at an early age and continue collecting and customizing today. I have always enjoyed this hobby and both of my sons now collect as well. I was helping my youngest son customize a 1/64th scale tractor one evening. He had the rear tires off the rims and asked me to hold them for a second. I slipped them over my finger so I could have my hands to assist with the project. When he needed them back, I looked at my finger with the tire on it and thought “that would make a cool ring.” So, the process began for Tractor Tread Rings.

What do these rings mean to me??  Read our blog post: "31 miles from nowhere!!  What these rings mean to me" to find out.



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